How to Make Pretty “No Sew” Pillow Covers
If you don’t know how to sew, you can still make pretty pillows for your sofa! This tutorial will show you how to make no-sew pillow covers.
I had bought an old sofa from an estate sale and decided to make new covers for the old pillows.
I think I am in love with burlap. And it’s not because it’s so popular right now.
Trust me.
I’ve never been one to hop on bandwagons because everyone else is hitchin’ a ride.
I just love its ruggedness, its texture.
Here is how I made this pretty no-sew pillow covers!
Watch the Tutorial: How to Make No-Sew Pillow Covers
So I threw together these “no sew” pillows using what has become my favorite combo: burlap and coral!
I scored this awesome Ethan Allen sofa at an estate sale for $100. I’m not too wild about the print, but the condition??– Excellent!
And with that sofa came two pillows like the one you see on the left. Looks innocuous enough from afar….
But look closer.
YIKES! Hideous shag!
But why toss out an old pillow that can be used as a pillow form?
I had a hodgepodge of second-hand and old pillows lying around the house, and thought I would use the burlap and coral samples of fabric I scored at a blogging conference to make some easy “no sew” pillow covers.
Some people think using old pillows is “gross” but it’s not like we’re wearing underwear from the thrift store!
It’s a pillow. It can be washed. So you can get over that.
(Mind you– I have a very nice computerized Bernina sewing machine but sometimes a chick just wants to keep things simple, you know?).
Plus, I thought this would be a great video tutorial on my YouTube channel for any newbies who haven’t ever made pillow covers.
No sewing machine required! 🙂
BEFORE (sadly mismatched)
AFTER! (a pop of matching color!)
Quick! Go Grab These Materials
Thankfully, there aren’t many things you’ll need for this project. And it’s only going to take about 20 minutes to make, maybe less if you’re good 😉
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- Burlap (about 1.5 yards)
- Coral fabric (or fabric of your choice, 60″ wide)
- Heat’n Bond
(or any other iron on tape)
- Scissors
- An iron
- OPTIONAL: If you’re worried burlap unraveling, use Fray Check
on the seams, which will harden and seal the seams.
How to Make No-Sew Pillow Covers
STEP 1: Ditch the Pattern
Lay down your coral fabric and place the old pillow on top. Just use the pillow as your template, cutting around it. Leave enough fabric so the coral fabric will be able to join with the burlap. Most importantly, leave about an extra 1″ inch for the seams. Now you may use the coral piece as a pattern on top of the burlap. Cut the burlap. (See? No need to make an elaborate pattern!).
STEP 2: Grab the Heat n’ Bond
This stuff is golden. If you have never sewed a seam in your life, well, rest assured–you don’t have to.
Here are some important instructions when using Heat N’; Bond, according to their website:
*Pre-wash all clothing and fabrics before using Heat N’ Bond Iron-On Adhesive. Do not use fabric softeners.
*Don’t overheat Heat N’ Bond; this will cause an insufficient bonding.
*Don’t iron over the plastic instruction sheet.
*Don’t sew- due to the unique thickness of Heat N’ Bond’s adhesive machine stitching is not recommended.
*It is machine washable. For best results use the delicate cycle and warm water.
*Heat N’ Bond is not recommended for projects or items that require dry cleaning.
You can also watch this video on my YouTube video to see the Heat N’ Bond in action!
STEP 3: Grab Your Iron!
Make sure the “right” side of your fabrics are facing together (the pretty side of the fabric). Place one or two pieces of Heat n’ Bond along the edge of the fabrics, about 1″ from the sides, and then press the pieces of fabric together with an iron.
I used 2 pieces for extra reinforcement. And be sure to use no steam when pressing. Let the fabric get really hot so the tape melts and gets nice and sticky. Allow it to dry about 5 minutes before pulling on the seams.
Iron over the fabric, joining them. Never iron directly on to the Heat n’ Bond.
Once joined, you’ll have a beautiful seam like this. No sewing machine required! 🙂
STEP 4: Leave an Opening
You’ll need to squeeze your old pillow into the opening of the 4th side, so leave about 5″ or so open. Heat n’ Bond the other sides.
You’ll be left with your opening. Squeeze your old pillow into the new pillow cover.
STEP 5: Seal It Up
Now it’s time to put a little Heat n’ Bond on the part where you stuffed the pillow, to seal it all up.
Here’s another look at the BEFORE:
Bottom Line
Pillows – NO COST (old pillows I already owned)
Fabric – NO COST (already had on hand)
Heat n’ Bond – $4.00 (1 roll)
TOTAL COST: ~$4.00
* Use existing pillows in your house or score some cheapies from the thrift store. Be sure to wash and dry them really good first when buying from the thrift store!
*If you don’t have a full yard of fabric to make a pillow piece, it’s totally OK to join 2 smaller pieces with Heat n’ Bond to get a full side piece. That’s what I did with these pillows when I ran out of burlap. I just joined 2 pieces to make a whole back. I actually like the seam in the back. Looks intentional ;). Maximize your scraps!
So there you go!
Easy no-sew pillow covers that even the most NON-crafty person can do on a Friday night 🙂
Loved these no-sew pillow covers? Click here to SAVE it on Pinterest!
Want More DIY Projects?
Here are some other “even-a-novice-can-do-this!” projects you can do to make your house look great:
So have you ever made no-sew pillow covers before? If not, give it a go! It’s a lot easier than you think! And if you enjoyed this project, be sure to save it on Pinterest!
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Followed your instructions and it took me about 15 minutes to make a hello kitty throw pillow for my little one’s bed. So cute, and so easy!! Thanks! love the burlap and coral together on yours and I can’t wait to redo my sofa pillows next!
Burlap back looks great on coral pattern.
Wow… Great work! These cushions seems easy to make by following your steps. I will definitely make these cushions. Thanks for sharing.
Most pillows out there are either one type of style or another, which is why I am in love with this mix of burlap and ‘pretty’ fabric. And, that they are no-sew as well? Well, let’s just say that I’m in love with this DIY!
Your pillows look terrific. I love the combination of the burlap and the coral fabric. When I was a young mom, I sewed up a storm but know that my kids are grown, I just don’t feel like dragging my machine out anymore, so it’s perfect for me. Thanks for sharing the tutorial on Share Your Style.