Make DIY Snowman Pencil Holders from a Wooden Dowel
When you’re a DIYer, the thought of getting rid of any piece of scrap wood makes you wince. You always tell yourself, “I’ll just store this in some random corner of my already-cluttered house because I know I’ll need it someday!” (Fess up–you do this, too, right??)
Well, in the case of this project–GASP!–I actually followed through! (Imagine that….). 🙂
Several months ago, I made these little DIY snowman pencil holders from scrap wood I had left over from a project!
Or you can use this wooden dowel from Home Depot.
I’m quite aware that the pencils are a bit ghetto-fabulous, but hey– this is Thrift Diving, yo. Not everything is going to be Pinterest perfect. You’re just going to have to overlook that part and focus on how much fun these are to make. And the fact that they make awesome teacher gifts! 🙂
Okay, back to the project–
But first, here’s the video tutorial for all those video learners 😉
Watch the Video – How to Make Snowman Pencil Holders
STEP 1: Get round wood.
In my case, I used the left over scrap wood from when I turned my son’s changing table into a desk. This is what I was left with:
But in your case, you can go to Home Depot and get a cheap wooden dowel like this for just under $8.00. With the amount of wood you get, you could make a lot of these pencil holders to give away as a set!
STEP 2: Paint the body.
Paint half of the body white, the other half any color you’d like.
STEP 3: Wrap twine around it.
Get some twine like this from the craft store. Using hot glue to secure it, wrapping it around to cover the seams.
STEP 4: Drill the holes.
You can drill the holes before painting and adding the twine. I’m just usually backwards like that. LOL. Use a 3/8″ drill bit, and be mindful how far you’re drilling down so you don’t drill down all the way.
STEP 5: Add the googley eyes.
Use hot glue to keep them on.
STEP 6: Add the mouth.
To make the mouth, I just cut out black stickers, but you can also draw on the mouth. You can also dress up the front of the snowman pencil holder, too, with these sticky pearly dots.
And that’s it!
Other Sizes You Can Make
Home Depot has lots of wooden dowels in varying sizes, so you can make whatever sizes you want!
These snowman pencil holders are a great crafting gift to do with kids. And don’t forget their teacher this holiday season–they make great gifts! Just don’t be ghetto like me and use ugly pencils to put inside. 😉 HA!
So there you have it! What do you think of these snowman pencil holders?!
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Too cute! It’s such a clever craft!
Thank you so much, Leslie!!!
Loved your family of pencil holders. You are so creative. I so would have had one of the “people” in every spot in my classroom because I was forever looking for a decent pencil!!
But the legs? Those are cute too but I’m tool use illiterate. I would not know how to get the screw cut off. Or do I need to get a scrap block to screw into so it has a broader base!!! Oh my mind is mush but I do believe this is a well worth it project as is. Cute. Family-like. Good spot for a pencil. Love it!!!
No worries, Gwen! I am headed to Home Depot today to pick up some of these legs and I’m actually going to try to see if I can recreate the snowman pencil holders with these legs! I’ll be sure to let you know how it goes. Heck, if it turns out, this will be Kwabena’s 3rd grade teacher’s Christmas gift! Hope his teacher doesn’t find my blog and spoils the surprise. LOL!
Your blogging style is very engaging and your posts are really fun to read. Thanks for entertaining us!
Awww….that means so much, Nancy!!! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog, when there are 10 million other blogs out there. (Well, maybe 9,999,999….). It means a lot! 😉 Have a good weekend!!
My neighbor made/gave me a sweet little snowman made from a piece of 4×4. Very cute. He’s one of my favorites to decorate with every year. He doesn’t hold pencils. He just makes me smile!
That is so cute: “He doesn’t hold pencils. He just makes me smile!”
Love that!! I thought about trying to make some more wood things. Fun to paint , and would give the kids something to do. And gift ideas!!!! 🙂
Thanks for commenting, Ginger!
These are so cute & fun! Great job!
Thanks, Belinda! They were fun to make. I always have a hard time figuring out what to do with scrap wood, so this worked well! I think I am going to make them again, because my toddler has destroyed them. HAHAHAH