
How to Make a DIY Pegboard Organizer

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In the midst of all the bathroom makeover stuff going on, I decided to make DIY pegboard organizers.



HA! You didn’t even know that I was working on my garage at the same time, huh?

Oh, yeeeeaaahh….!

I’ll be sharing that “mini” reveal soon, but for today’s post, I decided to tackle something that’s been bothering me since I started working on my workbench: STORAGE.

Admit it–the hardest part of doing DIY projects is having to find where all your supplies are and lugging them out! Seriously, it’s a pain in the butt. Since not everything in my garage has a “home” yet, I wanted to create some little DIY pegboard containers in order to keep some of the most used supplies out in the opener, like sandpaper.

This month I decided to team up with some fellow DIY bloggers to work on an “organizing” themed post and this project was perfect!

Keep reading (and watching!) to see how I organized my pegboard.


How to Make DIY Pegboard Organizers - Thrift Diving


No time to read this whole tutorial? No problem! Just click to skip around! 🙂

Video Tutorial
Materials Used
STEP 1: Measure Your Plywood
STEP 2: Cut Your Plywood
STEP 3: Drill Holes to Hang Your Organizer
STEP 4: Glue or Nail Pieces Together
STEP 5: Paint and Stencil
STEP 6: Hang It Up
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Materials Used


STEP 1: Measure Your Plywood

For this project, you only need 5 small pieces.

Don’t feel you have to go with my measurements! The beauty of these DIY pegboard organizers is that you can make them pretty much any size you want, depending on what you want to fill them with! 🙂

But if you don’t want to get too creative, just use these dimensions. I won’t mind if you copy. 😉


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I transferred those measurements onto the plywood as straight as possible.


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STEP 2: Cut Your Wood

I always tell my readers, “If you have to buy your first power tool, get the jigsaw!”

The reason why is because it’s so easy to use and very versatile. It can cut wood, plastic, metal–it’s a beast in a little power tool body. LOL


My Favorite Jigsaw!


You want to have a secure place to clamp down your 1/2″ plywood.

Doesn’t matter if it’s the dining table or a workstation in your garage! Do what you gotta do, my friend!

TIP: When using a jigsaw, it’s super helpful to use a speed square clamped down to help keep your cuts straight and to mark straight lines. Works like a charm!

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STEP 3: Drill Holes to Hang Your Organizer

Before you start putting these cute little DIY pegboard organizers together, you’ve got to drill the holes in the back which will allow it to hang on your pegboard. Easier to drill when it’s not all put together!

Just turn your back piece over to the WRONG side and measure down about 1/2″ and measure in from the sides about 3/4″.

Remember: pegboard holes are spaced evenly apart at 1 inch. Sooooo…..if you need to, hold your piece up to the pegboard to see where your holes need to be. If you make one that’s a different size than mine, you’ll have to test it first. Be careful you don’t make a boo-boo. 😉


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TIP: I learned a little tip from my friend Gail at My Repurposed Life: stack a piece of scrap wood underneath your project wood when drilling to help prevent tear-off on the back of your project board! This is seriously a project saver!


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With both holes drilled, you should have a BACK piece that looks like this, which will allow you to easily hang your new DIY pegboard organizers. 🙂 Pretty simple, eh?

(P.S. Look at the other organizer. Do you see the tear-out on the back? I drilled that one without having scrap wood stacked underneath. You can see how horrible that one turned out on the reverse side!)

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STEP 4: Glue or Nail the DIY Pegboard Organizer Together

Did you know that wood glue is stronger than wood?

Yep, it’s a fact.

Try gluing a joint…let it dry…and then later try to rip it apart. I bet you the wood would crack before that joint comes loose! LOL

The point here is that if you don’t want to nail your pegboard organizer together (or if you don’t have a nailer), no worries.

Just glue it…..clamp it….or hold it in place to dry, and keep it movin’.

First, glue SIDE 1…


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Then glue the other SIDE 2…


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Next, glue the BOTTOM on.


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Last, you’ll glue the FRONT.


This is what they should look like when they’re all assembled!


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I didn’t bother filling my nail holes because I didn’t really care. LOL.

But if you want to fill them, just use wood filler.

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STEP 5: Paint Your Pegboard Organizer

Well, you don’t have to paint it like me (plus, I stenciled it), but I love how quick and easy paint is.

Try stain, too!

I reeeeeallly wanted to do chalkboard fronts so that I could create wipeable labels, but I couldn’t find my black chalkboard paint for nothing! Grrrr…Don’t you hate when you can’t find supplies??


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I used some chalk paint that I had lying around, in Duck Egg.

I decided to add some stencils, but I wasn’t using a proper stenciling brush or sponge, so it wasn’t the “cleanest” stenciling job.

Meh, oh well!

These pegboard organizers will serve their purpose! LOL

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STEP 6: Hang It Up

This is the fun part–getting to see what you can store in there!

I used pegboard hooks and put black locking clips on the hooks so that they didn’t fall out easily.

Now, I’ve got my sandpaper close by, but I can’t wait to make more of these so I can put little things in them–things that would normally fall through the cracks of those expensive little wire baskets!



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I can’t wait to make more of these!

Just imagine how you can customize them–wide…..short…..the possibilities are endless.

And they’re actually much cheaper, too! Plywood is pretty affordable stuff. 🙂

So what do you think?? Leave a comment and let me know!

Watch the Video!



Don’t forget to PIN this project for later!

How to Make DIY Pegboard Organizers

Check Out My Friends’ Organizing Projects!

The Kim Six Fix – Under Cabinet Storage

My Repurposed Life – Repurposed Drawer Dog Toy Box

H2OBungalow – DIY Hanging Jewelry Organizer

Create And Babble – Pallet Wood Entryway Bench with Shoe Storage

The DIY Bungalow – Reclaimed Wood Shelves

Designed Decor – Repurposed Radio Cabinet Coffee Bar Drink Station

Domestically Speaking – Easiest DIY Drawer Organization

Refresh Restyle – Mudroom Storage Idea

My Love 2 Create – Drawer Storage Shelf

Virginia Sweet Pea – 2 x 4 DIY Shelving Unit Storage Shelf

How-to-Make-DIY-Pegboard-Organizers - Thrift Diving

How to make a DIY pegboard organizer - Materials needed include 12 plywood, glue, and paint!



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  1. My husband just started working on our garage and made some custom shelving. I am going to mention your peg board project for the side he hasn’t gotten to yet. Great project. #HomeMattersParty

  2. Stacy Wheeler says:

    Thank you. I had all the boxes ready but wasn’t sure how to get them hung. Love them!

    1. Glad you like them, Alys! I am planning to make more, of different sizes, too! 🙂

  3. Linda Manuel says:

    I don’t have a garage, but I do have the back of a closet and I think this just might work to help organize all the tools I’m finding out that I need in this new DIY world I’ve entered. Slowly, but surely, I’m getting them one at a time and a jigsaw is next on my list. I will check to see if I can use the Ryobi – they will have to make one light enough for me to use. I’ve invested (cheaply) in the smaller B&D 20vt tools and a Porter Cable air compressor so far. I’m having a blast learning to do these things and I just bet I can figure out how to put this pegboard in my office/library/guest room closet.

    Thanks for the idea and for all the pictures and instructions. You are always so clear on the how-to’s.

    1. Hi, Linda! Yep, the jigsaw is definitely light enough. And I haven’t said anything about it yet, but the new jigsaw blades I am using are PHENOMENAL! I heard about them from a trade show recently and they work the best for getting a clean cut. I’ll be sure to do a post on them. You’ll need these blades! 🙂

  4. Eileen Conklin says:

    Half inch plywood seems like it’s pretty hefty for holding up sandpaper disks. Would 3/8″ do as well? It’s what’s lying around here…

    1. Hey there, Eileen! You’re right, it’s pretty hefty, so you may not need those sizes. It’s what I had on hand. But if you can do it with 3/8″ wood, definitely!

  5. Madeleine says:

    Ohh! I love it. I’ve been wanting to have something like this for my office. Can’t wait to have one. 🙂

    1. I wish you lived closer, Madeleline. I would make you some and send them! 🙂 But Philippines it a little far away. 😉 LOL

  6. Cool idea! I just hung one in my craft room and I LOVE it! Though I have 5 million holders and no room for them all because all the little holders are so cool I want them all! 🙂

  7. Hi, Serena. I haven’t forgotten that you are working on your garage along with your bathroom redo because now that I have garage space, I’m needing ideas for organizing/using it! Great idea, as usual! And so pretty! Now I’m wondering . . . can I make this work in my office/sewing/crafting/all purpose room as well. I know yours is a garage, but how is the pegboard attached to the wall? Directly to the studs, to spacers attached to the wall? I have to be very careful since this is a rental. Will have to leave the wall without any damage when I move. Wondering if I can make a removable pegboard anchored to studs? Would be immensely helpful to use the wall space for small stuff organization in this room as well as the garage. More freedom to install a pegboard in the garage and leave it, but not inside. I have a maximum wall area of about 5′ wide x 4′ high and about 30″ above the floor. Couldn’t be too heavy or I couldn’t manage it. What do you think?

    I’m making progress! First thing I did this year was combine your goals list with One Hundred Dollars a Month, Taylor’s at Home Org, and mine. Then I deleted/modified to make my own personalized list. Put all into a 4 page document–with some general broader (quote*) overarching desires (unquote), and some very specific, detailed goals, then I calendared appropriate ones by month throughout the year. I have brief weekly checkpoints with written comments and a scheduled monthly checkpoint. And I can easily modify this next year. This probably sounds like overkill, but for me I have to do something like this or I just drift off into unfocused, lazy land. I absolutely MUST get some of the excess stuff sorted and out of here if I’m ever going to be able to do anything worthwhile–still many years accumulated stuff to get through, but the important thing is i I’m making progress with sorting and tossing stuff–can actually move around in the spare room! love all the ideas you share and want to begin using some of them just as soon as I make enough room for working.
    *the quote is from Taylor at Home Org–because we have to have the broad desires before we can break them down into smaller step goals.

    As usual, you rock! Can’t wait to see your finished bath and garage!

    1. Hmmm….removable pegboard anchored to the studs…..Are you allowed to make holes in the wall? The apartments that I am familiar with, you can make holes, but you just have to fill them before you leave. Is that the case with you, as well? If so, then you could easily hang a pegboard and then just seal the holes before you leave. There are small pieces of wood behind it that the pegboard is attached to. This allows there to be space behind the pegboard so the hooks have space to hang. Just hand the board vertically or horizontally. Doesn’t matter, as long as there is space behind the pegboard!

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