A 1973 Master Bedroom in Progress

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It’s funny how I look back at the “before” pics of my house and see what we started from. I honestly don’t know what it was about this house that made me gasp, “I’ve got to have it!” But I know it wasn’t these pink 70’s drapes!

But somehow, this is the house we chose. It seemed soooo spacious compared to the 2-BR condo we were moving from, and I didn’t let a “little” wallpaper scare me. NOW, of course, if I were to see my house in its original condition, and I had to re-buy it again, I’d probably run away. Far, far away. And I wouldn’t look back. HA!

Then again, this blog wouldn’t be what it is now if it weren’t for this house.

So sometimes nightmares are blessings in disguise, right?? šŸ˜‰

This is how it looked in its before state:


And now, it’s looking much better, but honestly, it doesn’t even look like this. I had stripped the wallpaper off, painted it in ultimate favorite Sherwin Williams Rainwashed, and put up some cheapie Ikea drapes that don’t even touch the floor (faux pax).
Even so, it’s full of sunlight, feels great from a minimalist point of-view, and is pretty spacious!
It doesn’t even look that pretty anymore, though. It actually looks much more bare. I’ve since sold that vintage chair you see, and I haven’t quite figured out what I want to do with that awesome wood table. I do still have the pics and flower vase on the wall. But my bedroom is pretty much vast space.
We’re going to be starting up my 30-Day Room Makeover Challenge in January (you should totally JOIN!), and I can’t decide if I am going to do my bedroom or my family room.
But this pic here, with the exception of a few wall furnishings, this is what my bedroom looks like RIGHT NOW:
 I apologize for the small pics. But I took many of these pics before I even knew I would be blogging about the house. šŸ™‚ I was just trying to document the absolute craziness of what we were dealing with. LOL

But you have to understand something: when you move into a house that requires so much work, what ends up happening is that you do just enough to “get by” and make the space livable, but it takes a while to get it to a space that feels like a cozy home. You know?

I feel like I’ve flitted from room to room, just doing enough to remove the “ugly” from the previous home owners, but never really decorating. 

That was the reason I started doing my 30-Day Room makeover challenges because it was the only way to light a fire under me, with the support of all of my readers working on their space, too.

As a result, I finished my pretty laundry room makeover and rocked out my navigation-themed kids’ bathroom makeover.

Anyhow…..We have this ginormous TV in our bedroom that we don’t even USE. We got rid of cable about a year and a half ago (see how we did cut the cord), and since that time, it’s just a useless piece of electronics sitting in the corner, taking up space!

There used to be an intercom in the bedroom, but was removed by the previous owners. Nothing that a little dry-wall can’t fill!
All fixed and patched up. Bare…….but patched up šŸ™‚
When we got started with removing the wallpaper, we literally LIVED like this for at least 2 months while we lazily commented how we should “finish taking down the wallpaper.” This definitely wasn’t a weekend project!
The best part of having a bare room is that the kids can run around without knocking stuff over ;). You’ve got to see the light, right?
Not the prettiest site, huh?
Our bed needs a LOT of help. I sort of feel compelled to build a new bed with my own hands. Could I do it? I wouldn’t doubt. I never thought I could remove a toilet, but I did it!!
I can’t wait to  do something creative over the bed, or to even build a new headboard! It will definitely be exciting seeing this room come together!

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  1. Rita Schneider says:

    So glad I found your blog! You are a girl after my own heart! Thrifting is one of the biggest joys in my life. Oh, the many treasures that I have brought home and made over!

  2. Amazing renovation !!! We have a room that looks just like this room (before renovations) and are currently in the process of stripping the wallpaper. How did you strip the wallpaper and how did you paint your walls after … did you use a primer base ? Would love to know more !

  3. I love the ‘invisible’ baby crawling along the floor! LOL!

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