3 Reasons Why Impulse Buying is Necessary at Thrift Stores

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 Screw budgeting. 

 Yes, you heard me: screw budgeting. Toss those budgeting envelopes in the trash before heading to the thrift store. Don’t get me wrong– managing your money is awesome–and necessary! You gotta pay bills, right?? But when it comes to thrift stores, everything you learned about budgeting and impulse buying is no longer applicable!

Here are the TOP 3 reasons why impulse buying is necessary at thrift stores:


3 Reasons Why Impulse Buying is Necessary at the Thrift Store - Thrift Diving

You want it.

You’re not a spoiled brat, are you? You’re not kicking and screaming on the floor because you have a case of the galloping greedy gimmies, are you? Of course not! But you want that awesome thing you just peeped in the thrift store because you’d already previously decided that you’d like to have a ____[fill in the blank]___. And–alas!–there it is! What luck! I believe that NO purchase is truly “impulsive” if you knew that it’s something you’d been wanting and just hadn’t found the perfect one yet. When you find the perfect something of what you’d been wanting, it’s no longer impulsive–it’s serendipity. You must buy it 🙂

You love it.

Try this test the next time you see something you love at the thrift store: try walking away. If you physically cannot do it (okay, you might have serious issues if you literally physically cannot walk away, LOL), you must buy it. But I bet you won’t even want to move to the end of the aisle, for fear that some other thrift diver is going to swoop up your perfect score. If you feel that way, then you must buy it. You’d hate yourself later for losing it. And you’ll lament for years to come about how you found “THE” perfect ____[fill in the blank]____ but you let it get away.


It won’t be there tomorrow.


This isn’t Macy’s, you guys. There aren’t 100 more back in the stock room just waiting for you to save up….or decide if you really want it. There’s (usually) only one of something (although I was lucky as hell to find two matching of the coolest lampshades EVER, but that rarely happens). So, if you see something that’s amazing, odds are, someone else thinks it’s pretty amazing, too. Buy it. It won’t be there tomorrow.

What do YOU guys think? Agree or disagree? Was there something you didn’t buy at the thrift store, but lived to regret it?

3 Reasons Why Impulse Buying is Necessary at the Thrift Store: You want it, you love it, it won't be there tomorrow. - Thrift Diving


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  1. You’re ab so lute ly right. It WON’T be there tomorrow. So, get it now…when you see it. I found you over at Kathe..with an e’s first linky party and thought I’d hop in to take a peek. Fun stuff!!! So, I’ve just become your newest follower. Please come visit me at PICKINandPAINTIN.blogspot.com and maybe you’ll follow back. THANKS.

  2. Kathe, I LOVE it: “I put you in my cart.” 🙂 I think I’m going to have to start rockin’ that expression! And way to go on your first linky party! I would like to do one, asking people to link up their thrift store scores, but since I’m so “new” I’m afraid that people won’t link up! LOL

  3. Oops, guess I was already following you lol! Pleading old age ♥

  4. Yep! Even if you are second guessing yourself, put.it.in.your.cart! You can then decide if you reallyreallyreally want it before you check out and no one else has taken that decision away from you! Following you now and not cuz you linked up to my very first link party (thank you!)but because you are a kindred spirit in thrifting! I guess you could say, I put you in my cart 😉

  5. Hi, Connie!! I love your comment, and I’m glad that you like my name “Thrift Diving.” It came to me one night at 3 a.m. LOL. No kidding! And it’s what I enjoy so much! 🙂

    I tried to comment on your blog, but my computer here at work is a bit wonky. I will have to repost my comment on your blog when I get home. Thanks for stopping by!!

  6. I just found your blog and I have to say the name you picked totally grab me in. Then your post was so well written and absolutely true, as any thrifter worth her salt would agree. Well, you’ve got a new follower and I would like to invite you over to my blog and hope that you will follow it, too. Looking forward to more great stuff . . . your newest follower, #30 . Connie 🙂

  7. Hey Brandy! Glad you liked this post. 🙂 yep, I did the re-drawing, and Elizabeth won.

  8. This couldn’t be more true!

    Did you re-draw for the heat gun btw? Maybe I overlooked it?

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