One Thing I Would Never Buy From a Thrift Store
You’re probably thinking “used underwear!” right?
Okay, well, yeah, you got me there; make that two things, with the first being used underwear, that I would never buy from a thrift store. (I still have never understood why anyone would even attempt to buy used undies, but that’s a whole ‘nutha conversation on a whole ‘nutha blog….).
What I really meant to say is that I’d never buy rugs from a thrift store.
I imagine little bed bugs, or some other creepy grossness hatching and taking root deep down in the nitty-gritty parts of the fibers. Yuck! So, you’ll never find me showing off some rug I got from the
thrift store. And if you do one day hear me spouting off at the mouth about some gorgeous thrift store rug, and its amazing deal, just know that it’s clearly time for a DIY intervention, because I have lost my damn mind.
Hee hee.
Anyhow, check out this 5×7 beautifulness that I bought today from HomeGoods, for only $150!!!!
Seriously, aren’t these the most lovely shades of blues you’ve ever seen in a rug?? It’s gorgeous! It just so happened to be the first rug I spotted, and I knew it was “the one.”
When we moved from our condo to this single family home, no one told me to factor in the cost of buying rugs for all these rooms in the house! Ex-pens-ive. That’s why I’m just getting around to it after nearly 15 months here. My poor cold feet are thanking me right about now.
Anyhow, when we got it home, the kids couldn’t stop jumping around on it.
I knew it would be perfect for my dining room, with my refinished $12.00 thrift store dining room (sorry, I don’t think I can ever NOT refer to this table as the “$12.00 thrift store” table, because it was such as sweeeeet, unbelievable find!). My only concern is that the kids are going to totally trash it. Just imagine the spaghetti stains and crusted Cheerios marring up my beautiful blues.
Another option is to put it in our master bedroom, to keep it as pristine as possible, but you know what?? Life is too short to worry about preserving everything! It’s about enjoying now what you’ve got. And I want friends and family to walk into my house and exclaim, “Wow, where did you get that fabulous rug?!” Unless my bedroom is part of a house tour, who in the heck will even see it?!
The rug is staying put riiiiiighht here 🙂
And I will smile every day as we tread a little more dirt, stains, and crusted crumbs throughout its fibers as it lends to a warm and comfy home environment.
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