
BEFORE and AFTER: The Makeover of a “Dumpster Desk”

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I always wonder why people throw away perfectly good furniture, like this dumpster desk makeover that I did.
I can see if it’s infested with bed bugs. But it’s it’s a perfect sound piece of furniture, in my opinion, putting it out beside the trash should be the last resort. Are they too lazy to call the Salvation Army for a free pickup? Or do they just enjoy filling landfills with stuff that may never decompose?

Eh– whatever the reason, thrifty souls like myself look at it as an opportunity to transform other people’s castoffs from the “uninspiring” to the “unbelievable.”

And that’s exactly what happened with this “dumpster desk”!

Dumpster Desk Makeover - Desk saved from the trash gets a makeover.

When I found this desk years ago at our condo complex, it was sitting there, just as perfect as could be. It had all its drawers. I just took them out and stupid me forgot to put them back in for this picture :). But it really was in great condition. I stopped the car so fast, put it in Park, and lugged that baby up the sidewalk and down 2 sets of stairs just to put it in our storage unit.


We didn’t have the space for it in our condo, but I knew one day we’d buy a house and it would serve its purpose for me.

Sure enough, a couple years after, we were finally settling into another house, and we had all our things packed and loaded. And–GASP!–hubby almost left this desk behind!! “There’s no space in the truck.”

No space, my foot!!! When you save a desk from the trash and hold onto it for 2 years, you don’t just leave it behind because there’s “not enough space.”

Glad I was able to save it twice!

A desk from the dumpster gets a makeover with Annie Sloan Duck Egg and new glass knobs. | Thrift Diving

This desk….my friends….had become my blogging desk in my reading room…..This was where all the “blogging” magic happened well into the midnight morning hours while the family slept. 🙂

Reading Room In-Progress

Here’s How I Transformed It

I absolutely love Annie Sloan decorative chalk paint (but if you’re not sure what paint you should use on your furniture pieces, be sure to read my post What’s the Best Paint For Furniture?)
Annie Sloan is awesome because it doesn’t smell (read: you can paint inside and there aren’t any toxic fumes)….doesn’t require priming….sticks to nearly anything….blah, blah, blah. And it doesn’t matter that it costs $38 a quart. It’s my favorite!
1_Annie Sloan Paint
Because I was doing an ombre effect, I needed to mix the Pure White and Duck Egg.
1_Annie Sloan_DUCK EGG
After playing around with it for a few minutes, I knew I wanted to lighten it up a bit, so I swirled in some Pure White into an old bowl filled with Duck Blue.

The Hardware

I had picked up these glass knobs from Antropologie when they were on sale. I knew they would be perfect for a future project.

Normally, knobs like this go for about $8 or $9 each at that store, but I picked these up for about $2-$3 each. Love them!


Broken Opportunities

When furniture looks like this, people want to throw it out, but for us DIY’ers, it’s just an opportunity to score a good deal 🙂


Nothing a little wood filler can’t fix, right?
Be sure to glob it on, and let it dry completely. After it’s dry, sand it smooth so that it’s flush and even again.
Because the previous knobs were 2-prong, like this….
….I had to drill a hole in the middle for the new knobs.

Then I added wood filler to the old holes. When it dried, I sanded it down, then slathered on a coat of paint over the drawer. Perfect!

This is really one of my favorite projects because I get to use it daily!


You'd never believe this desk was found next to the dumpster


Ombre Dumpster Desk_For Pinterest.jpg
It still amazes me how you can take an old piece of discarded furniture and breathe new life and value into it again. Seriously……I just love paint :).

So have you ever pulled good stuff from the dumpster? Come on….I can’t be the only one! 🙂


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  1. Cool!!! Love the colors.
    Thank you so much for linking this up with us at the “Cowgirl Up!” Linky party.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. I absolutelly love the desk and the colors! Awesome Awesome JOb!~ I am your newest folower!

  3. Joanna, you are too sweet! I’m sure the line ahead of me to get their own show is very long! But, I love what I do, and sharing here is exciting!

  4. Joanna Felix says:

    You need your own show!

  5. Anonymous says:

    I’m confused, the original picture is flat out missing drawers and the new desk is not missing any. Were the originals not pictured? Did you have to build drawers?

    Very beautiful work, good job!

    1. Sorry! The drawers were intact! I had just almost forgotten to take a “before” pic and didn’t think to put it “back together” before taking the pic. I will be cognizant if that next time, for sure!! 🙂

  6. Kim, yes, you must try! But as Rachel, the commenter below, mentioned, you can try to make your own chalk paint. I have been meaning to try this. I can’t wait to explore that. Then you could use any paint color you life. Annie Sloan colors are a bit limited.

    Rachel, so what recipe do you use for making chalk paint? Please share! 🙂 As for the drawers, yep, they were all there. I just happened to take a jacked-up “before” shot. LOL I had almost forgotten to take one before I started priming!

    Raina, thanks so much! Glad I was able to inspire you!!! Stop by ThriftDiving again 🙂 I love commenters! And I have a whole bunch more projects coming!

  7. Love!!! This is sooo inspirational since I’ve been searching for the perfect desk to reprint and make my own. I also love how you included each step of your transformation!

    I live the post and thanks for sharing!!

  8. Beautiful! I’ve made my own chalk paint and I lOve it. I would like to try the Annie Sloan to compare it to but it’s hard to get where I live.
    Question about the drawers, did you get all of them when you found it? It looked like some were missing, if you had to make some to replace them I’d be interested in hearing how you did that.

    Great work!

  9. Looks great! I’m going to have to do some research on chalk paint. 🙂

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