What To Do When Attacked By Vultures at the Thrift Store

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I think you guys are really going to hate me for this: letting the most awesome sewing cabinet get away. 

I tried to lie to myself and say, “It’s okay, Serena, the next great piece will come along…” But sometimes a piece is really unique and you can’t even find it on Google. That’s how unique some things are.

Like this sewing cabinet I saw:



By the looks of it, you can’t tell it’s a sewing cabinet. I thought it was a dresser. Dressers are a dime a dozen in these parts, and I would have just walked right on by. But it was one of those Monday mornings when you just have time on your hands to stroll through your favorite thrift store. So I decided to stop and investigate.

It’s not a dresser, but a sewing cabinet!




Okay, but I already have a sewing cabinet, why would I need another one, right?

Well, THIS is why!

Seriously, how cool is it that the seat actually slides out from inside the cabinet?!?! Yes, take another look at the pic above. The front of that sewing cabinet is really the back of the chair. It just sliiiiiiides right out.

Perfect for the apartment-goer…the small space saver….the person who needs to maximize every inch of space for their crafting and sewing…



And since I’ve 1) already got a sewing cabinet that I found at the thrift store, 2) am not pressed for space, 3) am not actively selling furniture, really, right now…..

…..I walked away.



But no sooner did I walk away after contemplating this piece, and pulling it apart, did some dude bum-rush the sewing cabinet and grab a store employee and claim it as his.

I have no reason to be mad, but I was irritated!

I mean, I know I had walked away from it, but what irritated me was that this guy walked up on me real smooth while checking it out, swooning over it alongside me:

“Oh wow…yeah, yeah, that’s reeeeeal nice!”

He circled back around a couple of times, like a vulture, apparently seeing if I was getting it or not. And as I started to walk away, he said innocently (I guess to not let his excitement show), “Oh, so you not gonna get it?” And I must have responded with something like, sigh, “No, I don’t think so….”

The second I walked away, he had the store clerk over there, writing a “SOLD” ticket for it.

If you watch this short clip I recorded, you even hear him walking up on me, at 1:19 min in the video. Can’t you hear his excited “yeah!!” LOL

The reason I didn’t buy it was because I just didn’t feel like lugging another thing home. It was compact, yes, but heavy. And I already had things in my van. I really can’t complain. He didn’t do anything wrong.

But he is what I call a “thrift store vulture.” They’ll hover around, waiting for you to walk away or sit something down so they can swoop in and pick at it.



1-Never walk away from something you love at the thrift store - Thrift Diving Blog


But after posting about this in the Thrift Diving community on Facebook, some people mentioned getting a sold ticket even if you’re still “iffy,” and putting Post-it notes on a piece of furniture if you need to walk away and get a sales clerk while making up your mind. I decided to throw in a few other suggestions on how to combat thrift store vultures ;).

1- What to do when attacked by thrift store vulture

Vulture Solution #1 – Create a megaphone with your hands and announce to the whole store, “Just because I’m walking away, doesn’t mean this is up for grabs! I’m just going to get a sales clerk! It’s MINE!”

Vulture Solution #2 – Carry Post-it notes in your purse adorned with skulls and bones that say, “Touch this, and you’ll be sorry. It’s already SOLD, pal!”

Vulture Solution #3 – Fake sneeze on the thrifted item profusely (along with sneezing on your hands), and then proceed to exaggerate touching all over the piece.

Vulture Solution #4 – Put it in your cart, even if it’s hanging off the sides and bumping stuff off the shelves. Speak loudly, “Coming through! ‘Scuse me, coming through!”

Vulture Solution #5 – Squeal loudly, “OMG, I just saw a bug crawl in there!! I wouldn’t even think of taking that home!” Then sneak off quietly to get a sales clerk to write you a sales ticket.

Vulture Solution #6 – Cover it up with an old comforter from the bedding department. Use the ugliest comforter you can find (only if item hasn’t been spotted already, that is… ).

Vulture Solution #7 – Put a “BROKEN” Post-it note or “DANGER! Contains asbestos!” sign on it while you walk away to get a sales clerk.

Vulture Solution #8 – Bring your kids to babysit it. Promise them an extra toy from the kid’s section if they don’t walk away from it.

Vulture Solution #9 – Use your cell phone to place an S.O.S. call the store’s main number and ask them to send a sales clerk to the furniture section RIGHT AWAY.

Vulture Solution #10 – Shout out, “OMG, did you just know they’re handing out 50% off coupons in the parking lot to the first 75 customers?! You better hurry! I just got mine!” Then quickly find a sales clerk.


Okay, so of course I am just being facetious. But really, the idea bout the Post-It notes was great. I’m going to have to try that!

What I DID Buy….

After losing such a great buy on that sewing cabinet, I wasn’t going to let anything else pass me by! I did snatch these up at the sister store a few days later. Not quite as “wowza” but still a great find!


Thrifted Side Table - Thrift Diving 1

They are solid wood and sooooo clean inside. Really great deal. They were a bit more pricey at $29.99 each (with 25% off). But for that quality, seriously, they were a good deal!

Thrifted Side Table - Thrift Diving 2


Thrifted Side Table - Thrift Diving 3


One of the end tables I refinished along with a brassy lamp, and the other one is in the basement. You can watch it here:


So tell me….have you ever been a victim of vultures at the thrift store? Do tell in the comments section! 


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  1. What is the problem with someone scooping up what you’d rejected? I’ve waited enough to see if someone looking was going to keep or pass. He seemed polite enough, even asked if you were passing. I think it’s grand he was so excited.

    I’ve had people literally grab stuff from under my hand or try to ‘order’ me to put something down so they could get it.

    1. Charlotte says:

      I agree with you, Teri. The fellow was very polite and waited for Serena to walk away. Even ASKED her if she was going to purchase it. And at her saying that she was going to pass on the purchase, he made the move to claim it.

      Serena, how can you claim that a thrift store vulture attacked you ? You should be irritated at yourself . . . NOT at him ! Not EVERYTHING at the thrift store is there for YOU alone. I feel that you are being unfair by calling someone an attacking vulture who politely waits for you to walk away.

      1. Hi Charlotte! GASP! I thought everything there was mine?? 😉 Just teasing! Yep, totally annoyed with myself for walking away while uncertain. Bet I learned my lesson with that one!! LOL Thanks, Charlotte, for commenting!

  2. Aracellis Lopez says:

    WOW, what a beautiful cabinet. I have never seen one like that before. The chair is the element of surprise. I have to say the sewing machine is amazing. The price was a steal. I usually like to go to the thrift store with my sister’s. We spread out and let the other know when we need a clerk. We never leave the item alone. I like the sold tag place it and go to t register to pay for ties. You can take a pho

    1. I had never seen one like before, either! It was really quite unique. And to think it was only $45!!!!! Jeez… LOL. I once saw a vintage Victrola machine there for about $150 and bought it. That was the most I had ever spent at the thrift store. I still have it sitting in my garage. EEK. That was a rare find, too. Never tried to sell it, though. Anyhow, I like the tag-team approach! LOL

  3. You are so funny! But, yeah, I’d have mourned that loss, too! And I absolutely loved that sewing cabinet. It would be perfect with that chair, but I’m not into heavy anymore, either. I made a rule for myself a few years back regarding furniture. “If I can’t move it myself, it can’t come home with me!” I’m edging up on 70, don’t have kids, or a lot of family to help me move stuff around, so I have to be able to do it myself! I don’t have to worry too much about the vultures though–my local store has very little that isn’t junk. Such a BUMMER!

    1. Yeah, I totally hear you, Teckla. Heavy stuff turns me off for that very reason: it’s so hard to move around. Although hubby is helpful, I usually hate asking him to help because that’s when I hear the the complaining about how much stuff I have and how “unnecessary” it is. LOL But yeah, that’s how I feel about super heavy stuff!

  4. I have literally hovered over a few items twister style while my husband went for a cart or sales clerk. No one dares take stuff from under a crazy ladies’ foot!

    1. LOL at that mental picture: “Hurry, honey! I can’t hold this pose for much longer!!!” {{arms shaking from exhaustion}}!

  5. Nella Rogers says:

    I have lost sleep over passed up & stolen out from under me finds in the past, lol! My hubby says if you will still be thinking about it in an hour then GET IT! If it turns out you don’t want or can’t use an item it’s very easy to just re-sell or donate! But losing sleep over something is the worst !! That sewing cabinet was an amazing find – hope he gives it a lovely home 😉

    1. That’s a good way of thinking about it. I definitely think I walked away too soon. I was still not really sure when I was moving away. I should have just sat down in that chair and thought it over. LOL. Next time….NEXT time……. Oh, and afterwards when I was in line buying a little clock and saw him with his sales ticket, I was like, “Hm. You got it, huh?” He was like, “Yeahhhhh….sorry! I have a booth at the flea market.” Dirty dog…. LOL

  6. That’s really cool…..I’m sorry you didn’t get that….I’m thinking that was a steal. I love sewing cabinets and have never seen one like that. I started doing a little research it appears to be a 1960 Pfaff Sewing cabinet and original came with the sewing machine as well. There is one similar to it on Ebay at the moment… http://www.ebay.com/itm/Pfaff-230-Sewing-Machine-and-Cabinet-/321663682870?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4ae4a64936. I found one exactly like you photo on another site, but it had been sold and only said it was a 1960 Pfaff.

    1. Noooooo!!! $425?! Oh jeez, I slept on THAT one! Sigh…. And wouldn’t you know the Guy that bought it was going to sell it at his flea market. Eek!

      1. Maybe you could get it from his flea market…..maybe he really doesn’t know what he has. 😀 Might cost you a bit more though. LOL

        1. HAHA, wouldn’t that be funny showing up to his flea market?! LOL “On second thought…Yeah, it’s MINE, buddy!” LOL He actually seemed pretty nice. I even gave him my card. Hope he’s not reading this post! **GULP**

  7. I’ve probably been a vulture more than a victim.

    1. Ha! Carole, then the next article you can give some tips on how to be the best vulture and find some amazing deals! Lol

      1. Lindsay O. says:

        Guilty here, as well. 🙂 I try not to, but if you that thing just ONE second after someone else spots it…. Argh! I did get the pleasure of being first and tagging something, and then several minute later watch someone spy it and run over, only to be disappointed that it was spoken for. Is it wrong to have some self satisfaction?

  8. Ha! I love the fake sneeze approach.

    My fail-safe approach is to always bring my husband with me. He has the amazing ability to hold multiple baskets while shopping.

    1. Wow, your husband goes?! I think mine has only come once and that’s because he was looking for something specific! Lol. You’ve got a good thrift diving partner there!!

      1. Yes, every time. We made the main decorations for our wedding from thrift shop finds. Not only did he enjoy the pleasure of the hunt, he was right there spray painting, gluing, etc.

  9. Donna Makowski says:

    I’ve just gotta ask – how much were they asking for the sewing cabinet?

  10. You always crack me up!! Ya, if you coughed and sneezed all over it, i’d be walking away. LOL Lov the tables, though!!

    1. Hey, Kathy!!! SEE!!! I knew that one would work! Especially if it’s a REAL sneeze! ICK! lol

      1. I am a huge germophobe!! My skin would be crawling all the way back to the car, where I’d have my sanitizer waiting!! 😉

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