
When A Blogger Loses Her “Day Job”

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firedAfter losing my job last week, I went through so many emotions:

I went from glee (Yes! Maybe I can be a full-time blogger now! They did me a favor!)…

…to scared (How the heck can we afford to pay our bills now?!)…

…to pathetic (I failed my family!)…

…to resolve (Well, I guess that’s life! Carry on!)…

Now as I write this, my next emotion is determination (This change was meant to be and I’m not going to waste the opportunity!).

I debated on even writing about being let go because I didn’t want to harp on it, or make you feel sorry for me. But you’ve been on this “day job” journey with me for awhile. It was only fair to let you know the game has changed significantly for 2015!

My Future in a Horoscope

The day before I was let go, the stress was mounting. I went to the deli for lunch, hands jammed in my pocket, and looked off into the distance while waiting on my order, and thought to myself, “Something’s gotta give.”

Right then I grabbed a nearby discarded newspaper and my gaze fell upon the horoscopes, a section I never ever read. Like never. But I read it that day; this is what I saw:


I’m not one that believes in the false prophets of horoscopes written by starving freelancers, but this message was for me. The Universe forewarned me I was going to be taken for a ride; forced out into a world in which I would doubt I could make it “on my own” and question from where next month’s mortgage was coming.  It urged me to break past mental barriers of self-doubt that creep into my mind at 3AM and my mind searching, (“Can we really make it on a reduced income??”).

I’ve Got to Thank My Employer

I have to thank my employer. THANK YOU!  They did for me that which I didn’t have the guts to do myself: to leave. I would like to be a full-time blogger. To leave a secure job with amazing benefits–um, yeah…. totally not easy to do! But being let go forces me to come up with solutions to that which felt so unattainable.

I still don’t feel 100% confident in my ability to blog full time. However, I know without a doubt that social media is something I love. Writing and working with clients–amazing. And while I collect unemployment, I must job hunt, and will look for positions that will help me to further develop my social media and blogging goals, while pursuing my blog full-time.

My “In-Between Phase”

Two months ago God literally gave me a sign in the parking lot of Costco:

sign from God

I stopped in my tracks, put my van in reverse, and snapped away. God and the Universe were conspires to nudge me in the right direction.

God was telling me that the “in-between” phase (this phase) is going to be ugly, dusty, and uncomfortable.  But improvements are in progress. Something better that will come as a result.

So please pardon my dust right now, my friends. Improvements are in progress!


sign from God2


What’s Next For Me?

Losing my job forced me to see that I’m so wasteful. As thrifty as I am about decorating, I’m wasteful when it comes to food, crafting supplies (umm…and that hoard-of-a-pile in my garage! LOL). For example, I bought two new gallons of paint for my basement makeover in my 30-Day Junk Free January Room Challenge. TWO! It cost me $76.

I bought it last week when I had a job and the assurance of another paycheck coming in 2 weeks.

But last night, while working on the basement, I scanned my gallons of paint and realized I already had two old cans of paint very similar colors (!!!).

At that moment, it hit me: We have fat to trim! We can get rid of the waste.

And maybe…..just maybe……with a renewed sense of thriftiness, we might just come out ahead.

UPDATE: Click here to find out what being a full-time blogger was like 10 months after losing my day-job!

So have any of you experienced losing a job? How did it impact your life for the better? Leave a comment and add to the conversation!


Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.


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  1. I only started reading your blog at the end of last year…You are inspirational and clever and funny and I have Loved reading your Blog! My husband was laid off 3 yrs ago, we learned soon many valuable lessons. You will too! We are loyal readers and you have so much to share.

  2. Carolyn Bivens says:

    Go for it, Serena. It has been my experience, most of us resist making a change long after we know it would be best. You have the foundation, the blog, the audience, now pursue your passion and grow those followers. We are cheering for you

  3. Serena,

    Like most, I have lost many much of what has been dear to me. Thankfully, I still have much to be grateful for. I am optimistic only in my lord and my ability to do whatever it takes to create the life I envision for myself. Therefore, I’m not one who believes that platitudes, “When one door closes blah blah blah…” are helpful.

    If you, your husband and children are willing to continue to make the sacrifices (there will be more than you can imagine) required for you to be a success, then you have a fighting chance at being successful. Additionally, I pray that you and your husband will ensure that any financial challenges won’t adversely effect your relationship. Please plan and pray accordingly.

    You are a smart, dedicated woman who has a unique voice. I plan to see great big things from you in the not too distant future. 🙂

    Derrick Douglas, MBA

  4. I am so very sorry to hear you have lost your job. But. Are you kidding me? I can’t hardly wait for the full time blogger you! I only wish that I was closer so that I could help feed you even more projects for you to work your magic on. I love this hobby and always want to share. Congratulations and keep on rocking our worlds.

  5. Hey Serena, sorry to hear about your job loss but excited for you at the same time. After working the same job for fourteen years I was let go. Initially I was terrified and sure that my life would never be the same and I was right. It became so, so much better! My dream to return to college and get my masters degree was finally realized. Even before completing my studies I was offered a better job, in a better workplace, with much friendlier coworkers. This job lasted eighteen years (then I retired!!!!) And during this time I made some amazing friends who will be with me forever. Your life will change, but with your personality and your skills it will surely change for the better. Relax, breathe, and go for it!

  6. Viva Loca says:

    Serena obviously your destiny was calling and you finally decide to answer it. Blogging makes you happy, so just put 100% of you in it and everything will turn out fine. One thing I learn growing up is never be scared or ashamed to ask for help. Creating a PayPal donation for the blogging projects will be a good idea, I would like to donate 5 or 10 dollar here or then, rather than waste it on lotto tickets (which I never win). I just want to tell you keep your head up and do what makes you happy, rather than doing something you feel may not really be your calling.

  7. I just read HGTV magazine today and was thrilled to see someone I “know” . Congratulations- your feature was the best- if that is not a sign of your full time future, then I don’t know what is

  8. Michelle R says:

    Been there. Done that. ALL OF THAT! The fretting, self-doubt, feeling of failure, and the thankfulness. My husband and I were insurance adjusters, and the filed we were working in was extremely high stress! I can’t tell you how many prescriptions my husband was on due to the stress of the job. We were making a very good living, had a mortgage, had a daughter in college, three car payments, home improvement loan, etc. I was let go due to “downsizing” (even though it was perfectly okay for the CEO to take his “favored” manager with him to all kinds of unnecessary business trips)(but that’s for another soapbox). My husband was ticked at what they did to me, after 10 years of faithful service and nothing but excellent reviews from the clients. Anyhoo, the first day of my “official” unemployment, I sat by the pool, had a drink of sweet tea, and just literally sank into a stress free zone. One of which I had not seen in many, many years. I knew then everything would be alright. My husband, on the other hand, was even more stressed, so after several conversations together, we decided that he needed to get out too. He gave his notice, started work at another less stress (and less paying) company, and immediately slipped into the same wonderful zone that I was in. I have no resentments or regrets, and would never go back into that type of job. It took me almost a year to find another job, but we survived. Everything happens for a reason. Go with it and enjoy your happiness. 🙂

  9. Something similar (but on a much, much smaller scale) just happened to me and it kicked my butt into gear! I had to stop talking about doing something I’d talked about for years and just start doing it. I have my moments of worry but overall, I am looking at this wake-up call as the best thing that could have happened. It certainly sounds like your job loss could be exactly what you needed. And i agree with everyone else, you will do amazing things. Can’t wait to see what you do with this opportunity! Best of luck!

  10. I’m sorry that you had to go through something like that but…………The Universe only gives you so many chances to DO something then it will become unavoidable through a series of events. It would appear that your path has not included your current job for some time, when you wouldn’t give in and quit, you got let go. The second part off the lesson is priceless: You will now be really thrifting – in order to save money like using Habitat from Humanity paint or those paints that were mistakes at Walmart and costs less……down here in the South it’s called “Making Do”. That will take you to a new level, one that has not yet (as far as I know) been explored on blogs.

    You already know I came thisclose to being fired after 20 years of loyalty but I quit before I lost my retirement. They just wanted “younger”. I remember when I was younger, never believed those who were forced out was just because they were old. I was wrong. But I also needed to have left at least 5 years before, but it was comfortable even though I hated it.

    My last day of work was July 2 so that’s 6 months I’ve been unemployed. No unemployment checks. So, not as many yard sales and thrift stores as I would like, but I was recently asked about an opportunity – and if it works out, will mean that I can make my living from home – being my own boss! I pray every night that it does because, once again I will love what I do. I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

    So that’s what you need to do………..pray or meditate or put it out there……that you love what you do and will make enough money to support your family. Don’t put a name on it because it may not be what you think……………..if you can do that – that’s when you allow opportunity to find it’s way to you!

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