Furniture Painting Classes!

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Furniture painting classes in Maryland, DC, and Virginia. Learn how to paint furniture to decorate your home on a budget!

Furniture Painting Classes for Maryland, Virginia, and D.C.!

Did you inherit Grandma’s old worn furniture and it’s collecting dust in your garage because you can’t bear to throw it out, but it matches none of your decor? Or have you wondered how to make over thrift store furniture into beautiful, inexpensive pieces that brighten up your home?

Then you need a furniture painting class that can walk you through step-by-step how to achieve your very first project! I typically hold furniture painting classes throughout the year, at local thrift stores. 

UPDATE MARCH 2024: Classes will be coming soon!!! I’m currently looking for space to host furniture painting classes in the Maryland area, likely Montgomery County. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist to get notified before anyone else, please click here to send me an email here to I can’t wait to hear from you! ๐Ÿ™‚  


Hi, I’m Serena Appiah, owner and blogger at, a blog about decorating your home with as much affordable, cool thrift store stuff as possible, and finding ways to make life all-around less expensive. Here at Thrift Diving, my goal is to inspire you to be creative and to transform your home on a DIY budget! Join us!






Furniture Painting Class: Decorating on a Budget!

Painted furniture is all the rave today (although sometimes you should not paint wood). Our homes deserve to be decorated with affordable, good quality furniture (like that which you can find at the thrift store!). However, thrifted furniture or things passed down from Grandma, are usually very dated (and not in a good “vintage-y” way!). Paint can help you to transform a solid, well-constructed piece of furniture into something beautiful. And for very little money!

Furniture painting classes are typically for 5 hours where we learning how to properly paint furniture! You may be wondering what’s the best paint for furniture. We cover all of that in class. But you can also find an in-depth article on my blog where I discuss the PROs and CONs to some of the popular brands of furniture paint you may have heard about: Annie Sloan, Beyond Paint, and more. You can read that article here: What’s the Best Paint For Furniture?  

When classes do start up again soon, here are the details below!


  • Furniture paint (you’ll choose your own color from 5-7 popular colors of Beyond Paint brand of furniture paint). 
  • Rollers and brushes
  • Multi-surface sealer
  • Smocks & gloves
  • Stencils
  • Snacks


Furniture Painting Classes in Maryland MD Virginia VA Washington DC - Chair makeover
Jillian completed her very first furniture makeover in furniture painting class!


  • How to clean and prep your furniture before painting.
  • How to make light repairs before painting.
  • How to use a roller and paint brush while using Beyond Paint brand of furniture paint.
  • Why you usually don’t need to sand or prime before painting.
  • What to do if the old stain or finish bleeds through your paint.
  • How to seal and protect your freshly painted piece of furniture.
  • How to use stencils to create unique looks for your painted pieces.


  • How to distress furniture (furniture will be uniformly painted without distressing, “chippy” looks, or layering. This is a bit more advanced and will be covered in an advanced class).
  • How to strip or stain furniture.
  • How to do extensive repairs on furniture.

 Furniture Painting Classes in Maryland, DC, and Virginia - Join us to learn how to paint furniture!



  • A small piece of furniture that can comfortably be carried up a flight of stairs by yourself (to the classroom area).
  • Clothes that you don’t mind getting a little paint on. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  • Your $20 materials fee, which covers your painting supplies.
  • A bagged lunch
  • A smile! You’re going to have a great time!


  • Don’t bring your own paint. I’ll have the paint you need!
  • Broken or chipped furniture. Painting class goes really fast, so there will be no time to fix broken furniture or furniture that needs to be sanded down first. PLEASE EMAIL ME A PICTURE OF YOUR FURNITURE FIRST SO I CAN APPROVE IT.


Furniture Painting Classes in Maryland, DC, and Virginia - Join us to learn how to paint furniture!



Some people don’t have the time to get to an in-person class! Therefore, I’m excited to share that I am putting together an online course for you that will be packed with even more information (including different styles of painting furniture, such as distressed furniture styles). If you’d like to get an advanced notification about my online furniture painting course, please sign up here.
In the meantime, feel free to enjoy some of my free content available on my YouTube channel, to help save you money and time right here from the comfort of your sofa. ๐Ÿ™‚

If you’d like to stay up to date with notifications about my next furniture painting classes, just be sure to enter your first name and email to be notified of those upcoming classes! I will only email you when new classes are forming. No spam promise–your email is kept safe with me and will never be sold or used for any purpose other than emailing you about furniture painting classes or other DIY craft classes for the Maryland, DC, and Virginia area.

Pictures of Previous Furniture Painting Classes!

Check out some of the awesome projects students have done during our furniture painting classes!



Email me at (serena at thriftdiving dot com) with any questions you have regarding class and I’ll be more than happy to answer!

Serena Appiah is blogger/owner of Thrift Diving, a blog about turning other people’s cast-offs into beautiful pieces of furniture and goods for the home. She makes life more affordable for her family with lots of do-it-yourself (DIY), crafting, and home improvement. She’s been making over old furniture since 2012 and chronicles the transformation of her 1973 home with furniture makeovers and home improvement. She’s currently enrolled in a carpentry program at Montgomery College, where she is learning home improvement and rough carpentry. She’s a mom of 3 beautiful boys, ages 17, 14 and 12 years old. She’s married and lives in Silver Spring, Maryland with her family.



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Thrift Diving inspires women to decorate, improve, and maintain their home themselves...using paint, power tools, and thrift stores! Use these 5 printables, checklists, and ebooks to get started!

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  1. Renee Smith says:

    if you ever come to Dallas, Texas…. please let me know… congratulations on the classes…..

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  3. Hi Serena, I would love to attend the furniture painting class that is being held March. I am unable to find it on the Montgomery county website, can you help me find it so that I may sign up? Thanks so much, leslie

    1. Hi Leslie,
      Did you get my email? I’m sorry you missed the class! I’ll add you to my list to let you know when more classes are being offered. Or, if you’d like, I offer private sessions that are convenient for you, as well! ๐Ÿ™‚ Just let me know.

  4. Charlene Holmes says:

    I am unable to make your Sept. 21 class. Pls. Let me know if you are planning another class this all.

    Thank you.

    Charlene Holmes

    1. Hi Charlene,
      You were interested in painting classes. We just wrapped up a few classes through the Montgomery County Recreation Department. Are you still interested in classes? I could put you on my roster if so. Let me know! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Wish I was closer (State College, Pa)…I’d sign up in a heartbeat (you had me at “and WINE”…lol). I want to start holding classes too…but want to attend one or two to get a hang of how they work. Keep me posted on your success!

  6. If I was there I would come to your painting class I would love to come but it is a bit far from Australia. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Awww…thanks, Shirley! I wish you could, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

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