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BEFORE & AFTERs: My Pretty Pink File Cabinets!

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I’m not a “girly-girl,” but for some reason, I love girly rooms. Feminine rooms with pinks and purples and prettiness (have you seen my laundry room makeover?). I think it all stems from when I was a little girl; even though I was a tomboy, I wanted a pretty bedroom but never got one. And now, as an adult, I keep trying to recreate a childhood room I never had. Slightly weird, but hey–at least I’m ‘fessing up to it. And I’m even showing you a picture of that little tomboy.

It’s January and I’m trying to get organized in my new home office in my cluttered basement  for my 30-Day Junk-Free January Room Challenge. Here’s what I’ve been able to pull together so far!

My Pretty Thrifted Scrapbooking Cabinets

I picked both of them up eons ago at a salvage shop for $20. I couldn’t believe the find! I mean, they were ugly, but we creative people see the beauty in dirt. And we see a hot deal! File cabinets like this can easily set you back a couple ‘hunnet (that’s $200 for those that don’t speak ebonics, LOL).

I couldn’t lug them in my car quickly enough, but ended up leaving them (where else?? LOL) in my garage and basement for at least 18 months. No kiddin’.


file cabinets - BEFORE

Sometime last year I thought I was going to paint them blue and couldn’t decide on the shade (thus the crazy hot mess you see below), and ended up abandoning the project. Isn’t DIY always like that? I think the reason we leave projects unfinished is because we lose our inspiration. The project doesn’t “speak” to us and we just STOP.

(Heads up!! February’s Challenge here at Thrift Diving is going to be the 28-Day “Finish It Up” Challenge where we tackle 5-10 unfinished projects. Sign up HERE)!


Yeah…the blue just wasn’t workin’ for me.

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But I loved the idea of pink, though! I couldn’t wait to see how pretty they were going to look!

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I’ll be using them in my new basement office for my 30-Day Junk Free January Room Challenge, which I’m deeming the new “Thrift Diving Headquarters.”

To mark my new territory, I even stenciled my logo on the wall! (More on that in another post).


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Mixing the Perfect Pink

Do you know how hard it was to find the perfect pink to match my logo?! Impossible, actually.

I ended up mixing Annie Sloan red and a vintage white together to get the perfect shade of magenta.

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The handles were gross!

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…so I used silver spray paint. I wanted to use silver Rub ‘n Buff which is easier to use, but I didn’t have any on hand. And since losing my job, I am getting creative about trying to use whatever materials I DO have instead of going out to buy NEW ones!

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I hate using spray paint, though! It’s messy, stinky, and the over-spray has ruined too many projects for me to count. So instead of spraying the handles, I just sprayed a bunch of it into an old plastic cup and collected about 1/4 a teaspoon of paint, like this:

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It was just enough to dip in a small paint brush and just paint it on the handles.  Worked just find for me and eliminated the spray paint mess!


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I missed a few spots on the handle, but hey–I’m not perfect, and no one is going to see it if I don’t point it out, right? 🙂

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But It Doesn’t Stop There…More Thrifted File Cabinets!

I desperately needed a new desk for my new basement office! I’m always fighting for space on my cluttered blogging desk (the ombre painted one I found next to the dumpster). I wanted something big and with tons more storage to help make organizing my paperwork and files easier.

I kept seeing DIY desks with file cabinets.  That’s what I needed!!

My thrift store and I have this magical relationship where “I THINK IT”and “THEY DELIVER” exactly what I need. 🙂

And once again, they didn’t fail me:

Filing Cabinets at the thrift store

Unfortunately they weren’t matching, but I didn’t think it was a problem. For a measly $6.99 each, I could get creative to make it work!

Finding the Top

We stopped by a salvage shop, and I found this awesome top for–GASP!!!–$1.76! That’s not a typo. It really was just $1.76.

And that baby was HEAVY!

For $17.00 this was a a sweet deal, despite the slight irregularities (which can be fixed with a small piece of wood to level them out evenly).

1-thrifted desk - BEFORE

Deep Cleaning the File Cabinets

I’m notorious for lugging home dirty furniture from the thrift store. These cabinets had some deep down gunk and dirt that needed more than a wet paper towel! So I pulled out my awesome HomeRight Steam Machine (which just happens to be one of the prizes for my 30-Day Junk-Free January challenge!) and got to work. (Note: You can buy the Steam Machine on HomeRight.com and on Amazon.com, but it’s slightly cheaper on Amazon).

(NOTE: See the full video tutorial I did on all the clever ways you can use the HomeRight Steam Machine!)

HomeRight Steam Machine

They were filthy! No way I can get organized with dirt like this lurking in the belly of these cabinets….

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All clean now!

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The tan one was just as nasty!

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You can see how the Steam Machine cut through the grime?! That’s a lot of hot steam!

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Watch my video to see the Steam Machine blast through the dirt and get my new file cabinets super clean!


I’d like to say I’m done with my office, but I’m not.

I’d like to say I totally love the Annie Sloan Antoinette I used on the cabinets, but I’m not sure about it yet. The florescent lights in the basement gives the pink a more washed out, faded look. So when I do my final office reveal, they may very well be a different shade of pink or another shade altogether!

However, it’s a HUGE improvement! But it just doesn’t have that “kick” yet. Let’s see what I can pull off before the challenge ends.

(P.S. This $20 thrifted chair is getting reupholstered next!).

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The top for the desk painted in Annie Sloan Cream. I wasn’t keen on Cream, but again, I’m trying to use what paint I’ve got instead of spending $38 on another color I’ve run out of. I’m still working on the office (I have 4 more days until the challenge ends!!). Wish me luck!

I can’t wait to hang my big DIY whiteboard (see the tutorial to make your own).  I’m finding that blogging has become even more busy, with tight deadlines, since leaving my day job! I need a way to get organized and track everything.

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1-thrifted desk - BEFORE


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Basement Office – IN PROGRESS

I haven’t fixed the top yet to even our the irregularities, but I will.

And the kitchen cart will hold my printer and will be painted (possibly orange). Just trying to work out the color scheme in my head!

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So what do you think? Any suggestions on colors for the desk cabinets? And do you think I can pull this whole basement together in just 4 more days??!! EEK!



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  1. Maria Castillo says:

    All I can say is that you are an inspiration! I love your projects. The color of that pink cabinet is super! Thanks and as I always say, “God bless you!”

  2. OMG…I was just cleaning out filing cabinets to get rid of them but now that I’ve seen this post I think I’ll keep them and use them after I paint them an amazing color. Might even be able to do what you did and make them into a desk. Thanks so much!!!

    You’re a wonder!


    1. YAY!!! Then this post was a very timely one! No, don’t get rid of them. Brighten them up and make them amazing! 🙂 Thanks, Lorena!

  3. Hi Serena!

    I love the color for those cabinets!!! Where is the salvage yard you found them in? I’ve been searching Hi and Low for salvage shops in our area and None are to be found. I live not far from you in Northern VA. I would travel to Maryland to go to one if I had to!

    Thanks for all that you share! I Love it!!


    1. Hi Mary! It’s called Community Forklift and it’s over near Beltsville, just minutes from College Park. The exact city is listed as “Edmundson” I think, or something like that. Lots of good stuff there! Prices are a bit pricey, but they have amazing 40% off deals occasionally. It’s like a junk yard for your home. LOL

  4. Kathy Wolfe says:

    Loved it, as usual. Great Job!!!!

  5. Hey, everything is looking great! I love the pink against the gray. How about a shade of purple for the other item? I saw a few days ago that it was your first day as a work at home mom and there was a story or “scoop” on that and to email to find out more? I’d love to know!! Love your blog and I wish our thrift shops were as great as yours.

  6. …or…I see you have plenty of fabric. Could you decoupage just the face of each drawer with that pretty grey and white?

  7. If anyone can do it, you can!

    As for the color of the file cabinets, do you have any more of the color on the corner cabinet. The putty color? With your chair upholstery fabric and the nice grey rug, I think a more subdued color might be nice.

    I love color, so don’t get me wrong, but I think the pink is competing for attention in what I know will be a spectacular room. Maybe you can find a more vibrant pink and use it in a different way. Best of luck.

  8. Great reveals! That steamer tool looks very useful, I think I might have to get one for myself.

  9. Hi Serena,
    Well done you!
    You have made a fantastic job of these filing cabinets. Yor hard work has paid off.
    Thank you for showing them to us.
    David XX

    1. Thanks, David! I’m usually afraid of bright colors, LOL, but I wanted something bright this time. I’m just hoping I can tie it all together at the end!!!! 🙂

  10. Selma Harris says:

    This is looking really good! You are an inspiration for me. I am in the process of starting my own blog and I have been reading your site for a while since finding it. I am with you on trying to use what is available without having to purchase often (my blog goal to those who may read and follow). I am very frugal and I no longer apologize for it. We are a one income family (I was laid off in 2011) and $ can get tight very quickly but I do want to update our home. I look forward to the reveal!!! Oh before I forget, Thank you for inspiring me through your various projects and your challenges!

    1. Hey Selma! You are so very welcome, and thank YOU for reading along! I totally agree about using what you have. But sadly, I’m just starting to learn this. After being let go recently, I’ve come to see how wasteful I have been, even while being thrifty! It’s crazy… LOL. Glad to see you’re able to make it work on 1 income!!!!


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