
When A Blogger Loses Her “Day Job”

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firedAfter losing my job last week, I went through so many emotions:

I went from glee (Yes! Maybe I can be a full-time blogger now! They did me a favor!)…

…to scared (How the heck can we afford to pay our bills now?!)…

…to pathetic (I failed my family!)…

…to resolve (Well, I guess that’s life! Carry on!)…

Now as I write this, my next emotion is determination (This change was meant to be and I’m not going to waste the opportunity!).

I debated on even writing about being let go because I didn’t want to harp on it, or make you feel sorry for me. But you’ve been on this “day job” journey with me for awhile. It was only fair to let you know the game has changed significantly for 2015!

My Future in a Horoscope

The day before I was let go, the stress was mounting. I went to the deli for lunch, hands jammed in my pocket, and looked off into the distance while waiting on my order, and thought to myself, “Something’s gotta give.”

Right then I grabbed a nearby discarded newspaper and my gaze fell upon the horoscopes, a section I never ever read. Like never. But I read it that day; this is what I saw:


I’m not one that believes in the false prophets of horoscopes written by starving freelancers, but this message was for me. The Universe forewarned me I was going to be taken for a ride; forced out into a world in which I would doubt I could make it “on my own” and question from where next month’s mortgage was coming.  It urged me to break past mental barriers of self-doubt that creep into my mind at 3AM and my mind searching, (“Can we really make it on a reduced income??”).

I’ve Got to Thank My Employer

I have to thank my employer. THANK YOU!  They did for me that which I didn’t have the guts to do myself: to leave. I would like to be a full-time blogger. To leave a secure job with amazing benefits–um, yeah…. totally not easy to do! But being let go forces me to come up with solutions to that which felt so unattainable.

I still don’t feel 100% confident in my ability to blog full time. However, I know without a doubt that social media is something I love. Writing and working with clients–amazing. And while I collect unemployment, I must job hunt, and will look for positions that will help me to further develop my social media and blogging goals, while pursuing my blog full-time.

My “In-Between Phase”

Two months ago God literally gave me a sign in the parking lot of Costco:

sign from God

I stopped in my tracks, put my van in reverse, and snapped away. God and the Universe were conspires to nudge me in the right direction.

God was telling me that the “in-between” phase (this phase) is going to be ugly, dusty, and uncomfortable.  But improvements are in progress. Something better that will come as a result.

So please pardon my dust right now, my friends. Improvements are in progress!


sign from God2


What’s Next For Me?

Losing my job forced me to see that I’m so wasteful. As thrifty as I am about decorating, I’m wasteful when it comes to food, crafting supplies (umm…and that hoard-of-a-pile in my garage! LOL). For example, I bought two new gallons of paint for my basement makeover in my 30-Day Junk Free January Room Challenge. TWO! It cost me $76.

I bought it last week when I had a job and the assurance of another paycheck coming in 2 weeks.

But last night, while working on the basement, I scanned my gallons of paint and realized I already had two old cans of paint very similar colors (!!!).

At that moment, it hit me: We have fat to trim! We can get rid of the waste.

And maybe…..just maybe……with a renewed sense of thriftiness, we might just come out ahead.

UPDATE: Click here to find out what being a full-time blogger was like 10 months after losing my day-job!

So have any of you experienced losing a job? How did it impact your life for the better? Leave a comment and add to the conversation!


Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net.


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  1. Life can be funny like that sometimes! A similar thing happenned to me about 2 years ago. I had been freelancing in film production but had taken a part time office job to help pay the bills, that turned into a full time office job. I was very unhappy there but was unwilling to give up the steady paycheck. One day I jokingly said to my boyfriend, “maybe I’ll get lucky and they’ll fire me.” Literally THE NEXT DAY I was laid off. So the moral is be careful what you wish for?

    It ended up being a blessing because I was able to go back to my freelancing and was finally successful at getting that to pay the bills and not needing a “regular” job. Until I got sick…but that’s a whole nother story.

    Best of luck with blogging full time! God/the Universe is looking out for you, I’m sure whatever you end up doing you’ll be successful at it. One thing I’ve learned from my experience is that God wants us to follow our passions! Even if it’s scary. Because if we’re fulfilled and happy then we can give so much more back to the world and to others.

  2. Serena,
    I pray, but already know, that all will be just fine! The stars are aligning for you. You’ve seen the signs. Your time is NOW! Go for it. Claim it. Make yourself and all of us in cyberspace…PROUD!!

  3. Yes, your emotions will be on a roller coaster ride.
    Just take a deep breath. Focus on your love of blogging.
    Soon you will be winning: Best Blogger Award!
    Have fun with your freedom to be a full-time blogger.

    PS You have talent. If need be, you can always take a parttime job.

    1. Hi Debbie! Today officially marks 1 week since getting the boot and I am soooo loving life! 🙂 It’s amazing how less stressed I feel. I also feel less rushed with my kids, because I’m not going through a sense of “time famine,” like there’s not enough time to do everything, if that makes sense. This has been great! Thanks for the support!!!

  4. Hi Serena. This is a blessing in disguise, giving you more time and space to grow and share your ideas!!! You’re not alone…I’ve experienced this several times. I love your creations. Keep the faith and keep up the good work!!!

    1. Thank you, Sonia!! This week has been amazingly restful and hopeful! 🙂 I appreciate your kind words.

  5. I think you are doing an amazing job! Look at how well you did last year blogging and juggling a full time job!!! Girl… you got this!

    This is truly a blessing in disguise. The universe has your back and it pointing you in the direction you need to go. It may be la little scary not knowing what the future holds, but that is the beautiful thing about it.

    Hang in their girl and keep producing some amazing projects! I love following along on your journey as I feel I am trying to achieve a similar goal. Never hesitate to reach out to your fellow bloggers if you need someone to talk to.

  6. Kind of like you’re forced to become a full-time blogger! I haven’t lost my job, but my partner has. He was laid off when I was 7 months pregnant. We ended up tightening our wallets and making the decision to keep him home with our daughter. As much as I love having him as a stay at home parent, we probably never would have made the decision if we weren’t ‘forced’ into it.

  7. Totally understand your feelings right now. I lost my job pretty abruptly about a year and a half ago and I had no idea what the heck I was gonna do, BUT I know whatever it was HAD to be better than being somewhere I always felt empty. I love that you are looking at this in a positive light. I did the same and let that fuel me into creating a life I love. Its scary, but so work it. Good Luck my dear!

  8. I know God has you and the fam in His hands. I pray for peace and strength in this time

    1. Thank you, Diane! This has been an awesome week! I feel less stressed, less hurried, and very content. Best thing EVER to happen!

  9. Nothing like getting pushed of the fence, eh? I’m sorry it was so abrupt. Good luck in the transition, Serena.

    1. But I’m like a cat–you push me off the fence, I’m gonna land on all fours, baby! 😉
      Thanks, Donna!

      1. Merrrow! =^-^=
        Good for you! Go get ’em!

    1. It’s so funny, though, Marjorie–this week, I have been so busy, I haven’t had much time to blog or do projects! HA! I have just been trying to get through EMAIL, let alone pick up a paintbrush or type up a long post. I must organize myself for next week!

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