You know what’s funny? When Beth sent me these “BEFORE” pics of her formal living room for the 30-Day June Room Challenge, I actually liked the pink!

But in her description??

She said it was “pukey pink.” LOL. You be the judge!


Bethany hates the "pukey pink" in her front parlor.


Wow!! Beth’s room looks gorgeous!!! The collage wall is inspiring and looks like such a great reflection of their family!

They also did that floor!!!

And you see that portrait drawing?? Beth did that! She’s a great artist!




Why did you choose the room/space that you chose? 

“I choose the front parlor/formal living room for the challenge. Originally, this room was going to be one of the last rooms to renovate in the home we just purchased. BUT, the 1970’s pink carpet was beginning to smell once the humidity of Spring crept in. Also, the walls were pink, and it did not mesh with the vision I had for the room. Also, this room contained some broken, mismatched furniture, and the drapery rods were mounted incorrectly — so I wanted to fix these issues.”~Beth



She really dislikes wood trim finishes!



What was the biggest “challenge” of this challenge? What stumped you? Also, what was the “easiest” part?

“The biggest challenge was the flooring. I did not have much budget for the flooring, but the carpet had to COME OUT!!! I saw some tutorials on how to paint the subfloor, but once the carpet was removed, I discovered the subfloor was not sturdy enough. So some quick calculations lead to purchasing, installing, painting, and sealing a second layer of hardwood subfloor. Inexpensive and easy, though time consuming. Very pleased with the new floor.

The easiest part was deciding a color scheme, and having all parts of the room revolve around a limited color palette -red, white, and black. Fun too!”~Beth



Even when the house was “in order” it still didn’t suit her family’s style!

She really dislikes wood trim finishes!

What piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to tackle a room or space?

“Make the room reflective of you! Design the room for your personal tastes and do not care a bit what people who do not live in your home think about your choices or ideas. I dislike purple – my sister loves purple. Her whole house is values of purple and she loves it! I love red, so I try to incorporate red throughout my home, except the kids get to choose the colors for their own spaces :)”~Beth  


Has this Room Challenge impacted your life for the better? How so?

“Oh yes, I realized my marriage can survive a room challenge! lol And my children loved to see all the progress — they learned that a lot of hard work and a positive outlook is vital to accomplishing a goal. And I have already hosted a large luncheon and my guests were impressed! Though I did the challenge for my family, it is fun to share a bit of myself with those whom I count as friends :)”~Beth


Want to join us for the next challenge? Join us for the 30-Day August Upgrade Challenge! No more excuses for rooms we can’t stand!


August Room Challenge!




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