If you need a kick in the butt to declutter or decorate a room in your house, then look no further!
Here at Thrift Diving, a couple times a year my readers and I commit to working on just ONE ROOM in our house over the course of 30 days.

You know how it goes: you keep telling yourself you’ll get to it, but something else more important always comes up.

And so the project just sits on your “To Do” list and weighs you down, stressing you out because you haven’t made time to get to it.



Well, it’s time to do something about it, my friend.

During these 30-Day Room Makeover Challenges, my readers and I commit to 30 days of working on the dreaded space we’ve been putting off:

  • that spare bedroom that has become the “catch all” and must have its door shut when visitors come over…
  • that office that you’ve love to actually use as an office, but the desk is covered in stacks of papers from 1998…
  • that bathroom with outdated tile and wallpaper that makes you cringe every time you go into shower…

It’s time to do something about it.

No more excuses.

No more fear and dread over where to start.

This time, you’ll have a deadline and you’ll be doing it with a group of about 20 people who will hold you responsible for getting it done!

Why don’t you join us?

Enter your name and email right here to get notified of the next 30-Day Room Makeover Challenge!

Room Challenge Sign Up


I won’t lie–it’s a lot of work, and a big commitment, but it’s FUN. It will get your creative juices flowing, and you’ll feel good about making your home a better place for you and your family!

And how else are we going to turn our rooms around?? It’s easy to put off making your home look beautiful because LIFE gets in the way. However, with these 30-day room challenges, you’ll have a supportive community of friends here to keep you motivated when you feel like quitting.

Here’s how it works:

STEP 1: Enter your name and email below to be added to the mailing list.

STEP 2: Sign up for the official room challenge makeover when you receive the email about the challenge.

STEP 3: Post your “BEFORE” room pics in our 30-Day Room Makeover Facebook group.

STEP 4: Share your progress throughout the month, plus get weekly motivational emails from me, along with tips.

STEP 5: Post your “AFTER” pics in the Facebook group for a chance to win a prize! All challenge finishers that start and finish successfully will be randomly entered to win prizes from the challenge sponsors!

STEP 6: Feel proud of yourself for accomplishing your goal! 🙂

Nope…. No quitting allowed! 🙂

Sign up today and as soon as the next 30-Day Room Makeover Challenge is starting, you’ll get an email from me to officially sign up!

Good luck!!!



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